Ihor Klymenko: Ukrainians have shown the whole world that dignity and freedom are the fundamental values ​​of our people

Today we continue to move forward with a clear vision of the future. Our defenders on the front lines and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system save lives every day, demine territories, protect people and ensure order in the rear. Together we are building a European, free and democratic Ukraine.

Creative competition “Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!”

Sumy branch held a traditional amateur art competition “Get to know us – we are first year students!” This year, the creative competition was held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as a university.

Lecture for applicants of Sumy branch to the 30th anniversary of KhNUIA in the status of a university

For students and cadets of the 3rd year and first-year students of the specialty "Law Enforcement Activities", an online lecture was held by curators - lecturers of the Department of Humanities Yulia Samoilova, Hanna Dovhopolova and Tetiana Ponomarenko.

Applicants of Sumy branch of KhNUIA received awards on the occasion of the Student's Day

Representatives of the student and cadet self-government of Sumy branch were awarded Diplomas of the Mayor and People's Deputy of Ukraine Mykhailo Ananchenko for their active civic and life position, charitable and volunteer activities for a significant contribution to the development of youth policy of Sumy city territorial community.

The importance of donor initiative

Students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have once again replenished the blood bank to provide blood for those in need. The donation campaign was organised by the student-cadet parliament of the branch together with the local blood centre to support medical institutions that provide assistance to the wounded and victims of military operations.

Binary workshop on the discipline ‘Introduction to Legal Studies’

For the first-year students, online classes were conducted by Liubov Klimachova, Head of the Department of Socio-Cultural Technologies and Reference and Information Work of Taras Shevchenko Central Library of Sumy, and Nataliia Zlenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities.

Educational meeting with schoolchildren

Associate professors of the Department of Humanities Nadiia Demydenko and Hanna Dovhopolova together with 3rd year cadets of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Andrii Levchenko and Nikita Kapitonenko discussed with pupils of Sumy Specialised School of I-III degrees No. 25 in Sumy the concept of human rights violations and the main mechanisms of their protection.

Participation in the plenary session ‘Resilience as a foundation for countering hybrid threats’

Olena Lukianykhina, Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the V Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Management and Administration in the Context of Countering Hybrid Threats to National Security’, held within the framework of the Erasmus+ project ‘Academic Countering Hybrid Threats’.

Personal safety of a police officer

Olena Lukianykhina, Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, together with cadets studying law enforcement, took a course on mine safety on the Diia.Digital Education platform.

Binary class on the problems of implementation and protection of environmental human rights

Representatives of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA together with the head of the legal department of the human rights organisation ‘Ecology. Law. Human’ Olha Melen-Zabramna held a class on “Environmental human rights in the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine”.