Literary victory in Taras Shevchenko contest

Kateryna Lisovenko, a first-year cadet of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who is studying Law, won second place in the second stage of the XV International Taras Shevchenko Literary Contest for Pupils and Students, where young people from all over the region demonstrated their knowledge and love of words. 

Students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA congratulated IDP children on New Year and Christmas holidays

Within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine #Friendly Support, the first and second year students congratulated IDP children who are engaged in the circles of the Center for Culture and Leisure of Sumy City Council. The students prepared an interesting holiday program that included competitions and fun activities.

A guest lecture on topical issues of criminal law was held

The 1-2 year cadets and 2-3 year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in the speciality ‘Law Enforcement’, listened to a lecture on the topic: ‘The concept and signs of a criminal offence: from template to meaningfulness’, which was conducted by the Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI №1 Yurii Orlov. 

Binary lesson in the discipline “Philosophy”

An online meeting on the topic “Educational paradigm and its historical transformation. Humanistic guidelines of modern philosophy of education” with the participation of Vladyslav Shtehelskyi, coordinator of the Professional Development Office of the NUS Implementation Office of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Excursion to the gallery on the eve of Christmas holidays

The 2nd year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA together with curators Olena Lukianykhina and Liudmyla Parfentii visited the exhibition ‘Christmas Chime. Angels’ by Sumy artist Anna Chernenko.

Fact-checking and media literacy: issues of security and sustainable development

A binary lesson in the academic discipline "Philosophy" on the topic "Philosophy of Security and Sustainable Development" for first-year higher education students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, studying in the specialty "Law Enforcement Activities", was conducted by Oksana Podliniaieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational and Information Technologies of the SOIPPO.

Online lectures from foreign experts on artificial intelligence and its use in education

Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Olena Lukianykhina joined the lecture series "Integration of Artificial Intelligence into Education - Challenges and Opportunities". The experts talked about the history of the creation of AI, the advantages and controversial aspects of using AI in education, and their own experience of interacting with AI in research in this area.

Career orientation event: "Features of training at Sumy branch of KhNUIA"

Lecturer of the Department of Special Police Disciplines and Basic Military Training of Sumy branch, Oleksii Nazarov, held a career orientation meeting with students of the separate unit of the preschool educational institution "Okhtyrskyi Center for Vocational and Technical Education" in the town of Trostianets, Okhtyrskyi district, Sumy region.

Career guidance meeting with graduates of Kremenchuk lyceums

Serhii Paniotov, Deputy Head of the course of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, and Yevheniia Sviatna, senior inspector of the juvenile prevention sector of Kremenchuk regional police department in Poltava region, met with the final year students of Lyceum No. 10 ‘Linguist’ and Lyceum No. 30 ‘Olimpus’ named after N.M. Shevchenko. 

Educational hour on the topic of volunteering

Curators of educational groups of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Yulia Samoilova and Nadiia Demydenko held an educational event on the topic "Volunteering: the heart of the modern world" in order to draw attention to the importance of volunteering and motivate young people to actively participate in social projects.