Head of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Vasylenko Valentyna Anatoliivna

The Department of Humanities in Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs was established in 2006. The department consists of highly qualified specialists. These are six candidates of sciences, five associate professors, one lecturer who is actively working on writing a dissertation for the degree of candidate of sciences. The department conducts a variety of scientific activities.

Our values:

priority of humanistic values, the orientation of higher education students to create the conditions for success and career growth.

Vision (directions of mission implementation):

  • The department is a center of educational and scientific-methodical activity aimed at improving legal education in accordance with changing requirements.
  • The department is an active participant in the process of educating socially and professionally responsible, value-oriented civil society individuals in higher education.
  • The department is a team of highly qualified specialists who implement fundamental and applied humanitarian research in the field of higher education for the needs of society.


  • Ensuring the flexibility of programs for the organization of individual educational routes, taking into account the dynamics of education.
  • Creating conditions for the activities of student societies in the development of socially significant projects.
  • Organization of research activities for those who study on full and part time programs to solve important tasks in the region.
  • Creating conditions that would stimulate necessary scientific research in the higher education system.

Strategic goal:

  • Development and implementation of a set of innovative educational technologies in the higher education system
  • Organization of the educational process aimed at the development of key competencies of students through the development and implementation of socially significant projects in extracurricular activities.


Teachers manage student's research who are members of the scientific circle "VERITAS", take an active part in scientific and practical conferences, round table meetings, etc. The department conducts scientific work within the framework of the general department theme "Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching the cycle of humanities in a legal institution of higher education."

Educational and methodical work:

The department fully provides the educational process with programs, methodical recommendations and textbooks.

List of disciplines taught by the Department of Humanities in Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the 2022/2023 academic year:

  • Pre-medical preparation
  • Foreign language
  • Foreign language for professional purposes
  • History and culture of Ukraine
  • Conflictology
  • Culture of legal speech
  • Logic
  • Political science
  • Professional and psychological training of police officers
  • Management psychology and communicative competence of police officers
  • Sociology
  • Stress resistance
  • Tolerance and non-discrimination in police officers' job.
  • Ukrainian language of professional orientation
  • Physical education
  • Philosophy
  • Legal psychology
  • Introduction to legal studies


Vasylenko Valentyna Anatoliivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Position: Head of the Department of Humanities.

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Demydenko Nadiia Mykhailivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Officer.
Position: Professor at the Department of Humanities.

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Herashchenko Tetiana Hryhorivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities.

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Bilous Tetiana Lvivna
Academic degree, title : Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities

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Samoilova Yuliia Ihorivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities

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Reshytko Anna Dmytrivna
Position: Lecturer at the Department of Humanities

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Dovhopolova Hanna Hennadiivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities

Contact information:
Address: 40007, Sumy, Myru str. 24

telephone / fax (0542) 33-03-18

Location of the department:
Sumy, st. N-Syrovatska, 54/A

203 – office of the head of the department;
111 – "Svitlytsia";
114 – teacher’s room;
108 – the office of the secretary of the academic council of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA.

Phone numbers of the department:
(112) – head of the department;
(226) – teacher’s room.