Head of the Legal Disciplines Department, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor
Panasiuk Oksana Volodymyrivna


Teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines conduct research on the general departmental theme "Compliance of Ukrainian legislation with the principles of international and European law" within the framework of the scientific school "Compliance of Ukrainian legislation with the principles of international and European law":

  • Study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the functioning and development of a democratic state governed by the rule of law in Ukraine in a market economy, taking into account the implementation of the European strategy and accession to the EU (Doctor of Law, Associate Professor S. Vashchenko, Doctor of Law, Professor Yu. Osadchii, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M. Vasylenko, M. Kolesnyk).
  • Relations between business entities and public authorities and local self-government: challenges of the time (Doctor of Law, Associate Professor O. Panasiuk, Candidate of Legal Sciences Ponomariova Ya.O., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Markova O.O., Baranova C.S.).
  • Compliance of civil law and procedure with the principles of international and European law (Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Horobets N.O., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sadykova Ya.M., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Naumenko K.S.).
  • Legal support of labor relations in the context of European integration processes (Doctor of Law, Professor Lukash S.S., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Duravkina N.I.).

An important component of the research work is:

  • participation in International, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences;
  • preparation for publication of monographs, manuals, textbooks, teaching materials.

Teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines take an active position on cooperation with other educational institutions of Ukraine.


Teachers of the Department supervise the research work of students, including for preparation for participation in the annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students "Topical Issues of Modern Science and Law".

Under the guidance of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, 4 student scientific circles continued to work:

  • "State and legal disciplines" (head - Honcharenko L.L.).
  • "Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics" (head - M.O. Kolesnyk).
  • "Bona fides" (head - Duravkina N.I.).


Teachers of the department have developed educational and methodological support of disciplines on modern teaching methods.

The level of teaching meets the established requirements, which is confirmed by the results of examination sessions, mutual and control checks of classes, analysis of open lectures and practical classes.


  • powerful material and technical base: methodical rooms, laboratory and training ground for practical classes in the course "Criminalistics", computer classes, specialized auditoriums: "Courtroom".
  • highly qualified teachers: 4 Doctors of Sciences, 12 Candidates of Sciences.
  • significant experience in training in the field of "Jurisprudence" - 25 years in Ukraine and the region.


Personnel policy: preparation for the defense of 2 doctoral dissertations.

Scientific work: holding the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Teachers and the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students.

Methodical work: publication of textbooks, manuals, guidelines, professional articles.


The Department of Legal Disciplines has:

17 permanent scientific and pedagogical staff, including 4 Doctors of Science, 12 Candidates of Science.

The department employs 2 applicants for the degree of Doctor of Juridical Sciences, who are assigned to the relevant departments of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs to work on candidate and doctoral dissertations.

List of disciplines taught by the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the 2022/2023 academic year:

• Administrative responsibility
• Administrative responsibility and proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
• Administrative activity of the police
• Administrative law and procedure
• Administrative law and process
• Administrative process
• Administrative procedures
• Administrative and jurisdictional activities of the police
• Current problems of administrative activity of the police
• Interaction of police units with the public. Prevention of offenses
• Military administration
• Fire training
• Economic law
• Economic process
• Inquiries
• Activities of international police organizations
• Activities of the National Police in the field of licensing system
• Pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal cases
• Environmental law
• Housing law
• Ensuring human rights in police activities
• Ensuring human rights in law enforcement
• Prevention and counteraction to domestic violence
• Land law
• Information law
• History of state and law
• History of state and law of foreign countries
• History of the state and law of Ukraine
• History of law enforcement agencies
• Qualification of corruption crimes
• Qualification of criminal offenses
• Constitutional law
• Criminalistics
• Criminal law
• Criminal procedure
• Criminal executive law
• Criminal legal qualification
• Criminal and legal policy of combating crime
• Criminology
• Mediation
• Mediation in legal practice
• Methodology of investigation of crimes
• Methodology of law
• Customs law
• International law
• Private international law
• International protection of human rights
• International legal standards of law enforcement
• Municipal law
• Operational and investigative activity
• Organizational and legal principles of preventing and combating corruption
• Organization of activities of district police officers
• Organization of activities of juvenile prevention units
• Organization of police activities to ensure public safety and order
• Organization of public order protection
• Organization of the service of district police officers
• Fundamentals of operational and investigative activities
• Fundamentals of Roman private law
• Fundamentals of legal clinical training
• Features of practical law
• Features of the tactics of individual investigative actions
• Paradigm of operational and investigative activities
• Tax law
• Police deontology
• Police activity
• Police measures and measures of administrative coercion
• Comparative jurisprudence
• Comparative criminal procedure
• Law of the European Union
• Law of intellectual property
• Law of social security
• Legal regulation of administrative services
• Legal principles of corruption prevention
• Law enforcement activities of the police
• Workshop on preparation of administrative and procedural documents
• Decision-making in criminal proceedings
• Counteraction to illegal migration
• Secrecy regime
• Family law
• Preparation of procedural documents in civil cases
• Preparation of procedural documents at the stage of pre-trial investigation
• Service law
• Special physical training
• Forensic expertise
• Forensic medicine and psychiatry
• Forensic document science
• Judicial and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine
• Modern problems of administrative law and process
• Modern problems of civil law
• Modern problems of civil procedure
• Modern theories (doctrines) of law
• Tactical and special training
• Tactical and special physical training
• Theory of state and law
• Labor law
• Management of police bodies and units
• Philosophy of law
• Civil law and procedure
• Civil law and process
• Civil procedure
• Legal deontology
• Legal technique

Taking into account the relevance of innovation policy in the education system, the teachers of the department work on the introduction of new educational technologies in the educational process that meet the basic principles of quality mastery of the knowledge system, the development of the scientific nature of education.

Teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines supervise the work of the Legal Clinic "Legal Aid", founded in May 2005 on the basis of Sumy Regional Public Organization "Legal Aid " and Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, to provide free legal aid to socially vulnerable groups of the population and conduct legal education. The legal basis for the activities of the Law firm "Legal Aid " is the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 592 of 03.08.2006 "On approval of the standard regulations on the legal clinic of higher educational institution of Ukraine", the Charter of the NGO "Legal Aid ", the Charter of the legal clinic "Legal Aid ".

The purpose of the legal clinic is to provide practical training of students of law universities and faculties for professional activities, to promote their understanding of the social importance of the legal profession and to solve social problems.

Currently, the legal clinic employs 20 students-consultants and 8 teachers-supervisors, who provide students with theoretical and practical assistance in cases that are in the proceedings of the Legal Clinic.

At the beginning of the academic year, training seminars were organized and conducted for students-consultants and students of the legal clinic on the peculiarities of interviewing and counseling clients.

The work of the public reception to provide free legal aid to socially vulnerable groups of the population was organized in the premises of Sumy branch of KhNUIA. Work schedule: from Monday to Friday, from 14:00 to 16:00.

The cooperation of the legal clinic with the Department of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Sumy region on the provision of legal aid to convicts and persons released from prison, with the Main Department of Justice of Sumy region, Sumy City Employment Center, Sumy Center for the reintegration of homeless citizens continued.

To increase the efficiency of the educational process and close connection of theory with practice, practical workers of law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors of Sumy region are involved in the work of the department. Visits to open court hearings of the Zarichnyi District Court in Sumy and the Court of Appeal of Sumy region, the Economic Court of Sumy region are held in order to familiarize full-time students with the practical methods of work of the courts.

The staff of the department

Panasiuk Oksana Volodymyrivna
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Lukash Serhii Stanislavovych
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Law, Professor.
Position: Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Vashchenko Svitlana Serhiivna
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Osadchii Yurii Hryhorovych
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Position: Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Horobets Nataliia Oleksandrivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Sadykova Yana Mykhailivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Markova Olena Olehivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Vasylenko Marina Yevhenivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Duravkina Nataliia Ihorivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Honcharenko Lesia Leonidivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Ponomariova Yana Oleksandrivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Naumenko Kateryna Serhiivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Ivchenko Bohdana-Yuliia Volodymyrivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law.
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Kolesnyk Maryna Oleksandrivna
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Kiselov Viktor Mykolaiovych
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Puriha Iryna Petrivna
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Romanov Vitalii Oleksandrovych
Academic degree, title: Candidate of Law.
Position: Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines.

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Шуміло Олексій Михайлович

Вчений ступінь, звання: кандидат юридичних наук, доцент

Посада: доцент професор юридичних дисциплін.

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Матус Валерій В'ячеславович

Посада: викладач кафедри юридичних дисциплін.

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Contact information:

Postal address: 24 Myru St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine; phone/fax (0542) 33-03-18

E-mail: sumy-k-kud@univd.edu.ua

Location of the department: library building, 54/A N-Sirovatska St.

102 - office of criminal law and procedure;
103 - office of Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Panasiuk O.V;
104 - teaching room;
105 - room of civil law and procedure;
106 - room of state and legal disciplines;
206 - teaching room.

Telephone numbers of the department:
206 - teaching, (0542) 33-03-18 internal № 123;
102 - office of criminal law and procedure, (0542) 33-03-18, extension 228;
103 - office of Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Panasiuk O.V., (0542) 33-03-18, extension 229;
104 - teaching room, (0542) 33-03-18 extension 230;
105 - office of civil law and procedure, (0542) 33-03-18 internal № 230;
106 - office of state and legal disciplines, (0542) 33-03-18, extension 228.