Nataliia Zlenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the webinar “Artificial Intelligence and Media Literacy: Tools and Recommendations” from the Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
Yuliia Samoilova, Professor of the Department of Humanities at Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took a course on “Implementation of New Methods in the Digital Educational Environment” on the EdEra online education platform.
Lecturers of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines and members of the scientific club of Sumy branch of KhNUIA discussed the combination of traditional approaches to insurance with innovative solutions in the modern world. The report on this topic was presented by the 3rd year student Victoria Mozgova, who is studying in the specialty “Law”.
For the first-year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialty “Law Enforcement”, a lesson on “Communicative Perfection of the Language of the Future Law Enforcement Officer - a Step to the Profession” was conducted by Anastasia Paniotova, an inspector-cynologist of the group of canine support for the activities of the territorial units of the canine center of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Sumy region.
Artem Bukhtiarov, Senior Operative Officer for Operational Search and Partnership in the Field of Information Technology of the Department for Combating Cybercrime in Sumy Region, introduced the main activities of the cyberpolice to the students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA.
A curatorial hour on the topic “Prevention of juvenile delinquency as one of the main areas in the fight against juvenile delinquency” was held for higher education students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA by Serhii Ivashyna, senior lecturer of the Department of Special Police Disciplines and Basic Combat Training.
For the second-year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialty “Law”, an online class on “Institutional factors of national economy development. Public Welfare and Social and Market Economy” was conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines Volodymyr Dementov.
Tetiana Ponomarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities at Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, took the course “Practical Advice on Inclusion”. She gained knowledge on the following topics: “Sensory integration as a component of inclusive education”, ‘Assessment of students with special educational needs (SEN): features, approaches and practical tools’, etc.
The curator, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Serhii Lukianenko held discussions with higher education students on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of Syrytsia and Others v. Ukraine and Shpytalnyi and Others v. Ukraine.
Oleksii Shumilo, Acting Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, together with first-year students, took part in a regular thematic lecture by judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the topic “Judicial control over the restriction of the right to freedom in the context of the Decision of June 19, 2024 №7-r (II) /2024”