Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration is a foreign policy priority #1

Liudmyla Parfentii, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, discussed with 2nd year students majoring in Law the prerequisites and purpose of the North Atlantic Alliance, the historical stages of development of relations between Ukraine and NATO, as well as the current National Security Strategy of Ukraine. 

Legal basis and organization of activities of arms control units - topic of binary class

For the 3rd year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, a lesson on the discipline “Organization of the National Police in the field of licensing system” was held. It was conducted by representatives of the arms control sector together with the senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines Oleksii Nazarov.

Organization of activities of juvenile prevention units

A binary lesson on “Organization of work and implementation of measures to prevent and combat child abuse, domestic violence committed by and against children” was held for 3rd year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA.

A binary lesson on sports law was held by famous Ukrainian athletes

For the 1st year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, a lesson on the discipline “Theory of State and Law” was held, which was attended by the international master of sports of Ukraine in powerlifting Anna Rykun and Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in biathlon Olena Petrova. 

Results of sports and patriotic competitions

On the occasion of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, sports and patriotic events were held at all locations of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, in which students of the university's Educational and Research Institutes No. 1-4 and Sumy branch took part.

Sports competitions were held in KhNUIA

On the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, cadets of the Educational and Research Institutes №№ 1-4, Sumy branch competed in various sports in order to popularize and promote it among young people, develop physical and moral qualities of future employees of the National Police of Ukraine, and select to the national teams of KhNUIA.

Students and employees of Sumy branch donated blood to support military and civilians

Recognizing the importance of donation, the need for which is growing every day, our donors not only save lives, but also create a culture of solidarity and mutual assistance in society. Anyone who can donate blood has the opportunity to contribute to saving the lives of others, to show civic responsibility and to support their fellow Ukrainians.

Curatorial hour on “Ukraine's European integration: a 30-year journey to Europe”

Curators Nadiia Demydenko, Tetiana Ponomarenko, Yuliia Samoilova gave a brief excursion into the history of the European Union and its main historical stages to the students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who are studying Law and Law Enforcement.

Educational hub for freshmen

Tetiana Ponomarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA, held an event for 1st year students majoring in Law Enforcement to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.

Using AI technologies in the media

The webinar “Artificial Intelligence and Media Literacy: Tools and Recommendations”, organized by the Academy of Ukrainian Press with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, was successfully held by Antonina Tkach, a student of Sumy branch.