Lecturers of the Department of Humanities of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA Yuliia Samoilova, Hanna Dovhopolova and Anna Reshytko took part in the international webinar "Sharing EU multilingual education policy making practices in Ukraine" as part of the joint project of the University of Tartu (Estonia) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Erasmus+ KA2 "MultiEd".
On the International Children's Day, the cadet self-government of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited Sumy Regional Specialized Children's Home and congratulated its young residents on the holiday.
Daria Kolosnikova, a 2nd year cadet of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in a charity art festival in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which took place in Sumy on Teatralna Square. As a volunteer of the Created charitable foundation, she applied aqua makeup to children.
The 2nd year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs are actively involved in volunteering. This time they joined the weaving of camouflage nets for the military and learned a new weaving technique.
The municipal institution "Promotion Agency "Sumy" of Sumy City Council awarded the members of the student and cadet self-government of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with a letter of appreciation for their active participation in the charity events "Gratitude Package" held for the defenders who courageously defend the borders of Sumy region.
The delegation of Sumy branch of ELSA, which operates on the basis of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, took part in the XXXVIII National Congress of ELSA Ukraine. This year's Congress was held in the charming city of Lviv. During the Congress, the most important issues regarding the activities and development of the entire ELSA Ukraine network were resolved, as well as the election of the new Board of Directors 2023/2024.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project on the Jean Monnet Module "Traffic lights of EU policy: gender, rights, migration and digitalization" (GeRiMiD), the Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Olena Lukianykhina held a thematic meeting-quiz among high school students of the school № 27 in Sumy.
Creative youth of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - 1st year cadets Victoriia Yarova and Tatiana Lyashenko took part in a musical apartment of Ukrainian songs. The evening united creative, talented Sumy youth in the youth center "Romance"
Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Oleksii Shumilo has successfully completed his professional development by taking the training course "Base: Modern Military Training" on the Prometheus educational platform. The course was developed by the ASKOLD Specialized Training Center.
Mariia Kolbas, a first-year student of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the photo contest "Vyshyvanka is my genetic code". The event was organized by the Youth Policy Department of Sumy City Council and was held on the Telegram channel through online voting.