Deputy Director - the Head of the Department of Educational and Methodical Work, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor
Naumenko Kateryna Serhiivna

The Department of Educational and Methodical Work is a structural subdivision of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and has 9 employees.

In its activities, the Department of Educational and Methodical Work is guided by the laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders and other regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Statute of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Regulations on Sumy Branch, the Regulations on the Department of Educational and Methodical Work.

The Department of Educational and Methodical Work organizes the educational process of the Branch, accompanies and monitors the training of students of higher education, the use of effective pedagogical and information technologies during the provision of educational services. The work of the Department of Educational and Methodical Work is based on standard documentation and is regulated by the corresponding annual work plan.

The main task of the Department of Educational and Methodical Work is the organization of the educational process of training specialists in the specialty 081 "Law" and 262 "Law enforcement" by improving the content of education, introducing the latest learning technologies, strengthening its practical orientation.

The duties of the department include:

1. Planning the educational process.

2. Control over the planning of the teaching load of scientific and pedagogical staff in accordance with the curricula of full-time and part-time forms of education.

3. Organization of work in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education in relation to the movement of higher education applicants, preparation of documents on higher education, etc.

4. Participation in the development and approval of educational and work curricula.

5. Drawing up schedules of training classes, final tests (tests, exams), attestation and organization of independent work of students of higher education.

6. Preparation of the necessary educational documentation to ensure the educational process in the Branch.

7. Analysis of the educational process, the results of current and final inspections, completion of coursework, defense of practice materials, certification.

8. Preparation of management proposals for long-term planning of the educational process development in accordance with the requirements of the structural reform of the national system of higher education.

9. Control over the organization of the educational process and analysis of the results of final inspections, preparation of relevant reports.

10. Control over the introduction of innovative methods and forms of education, including technical means of education.